Organization: Plum Alley Investments
Email: deborah@plumalley.co
Website: https://plumalley.co/
Investment Focus Area 1: Healthcare technology
Geography of Investment 1: US
Organization: Quona Capital
Email: kristin@quona.com
Website: https://quona.com/
Investment Focus Area 1: Financial Inclusion
Geography of Investment 1: North America
Geography of Investment 2: Europe
Geography of Investment 3: Middle East
Organization: Secha Capital Partners
Email: brendan@sechacapital.com
Website: https://www.sechacapital.com/
Investment Focus Area 1: FMCG
Investment Focus Area 2: Agribusiness
Investment Focus Area 3: Healthcare
Geography of Investment 1: Africa
Organization: The Catalyst Fund
Email: maelis@thecatalystfund.com
Website: https://www.thecatalystfund.com/
Investment Focus Area 1: Inclusive Fintech
Investment Focus Area 2: Digital Commerce
Investment Focus Area 3: Climate resilience
Geography of Investment 1: Africa
Geography of Investment 2: Latin America
Geography of Investment 3: Caribbean
Organization: VestedWorld
Email: keziah@vestedworld.com
Website: https://www.vestedworld.com/about
Investment Focus Area 1: Agribusinesses
Investment Focus Area 2: Consumer Products
Investment Focus Area 3: Technology-enabled businesses
Geography of Investment 1: Africa
Organization: New Majority Capital
Website: https://newmajoritycapital.com/
Investment Focus Area 1: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Geography of Investment 1: US
Organization: EcoEnterprises Fund
Website: https://ecoenterprisesfund.com/
Investment Focus Area 1: Regenerative agriculture
Investment Focus Area 2: Agro-forestry
Investment Focus Area 3: Sustainable aquaculture
Geography of Investment 1: Latin America
Organization: Feelsgood Capital Partners
Website: https://www.feelsgoodcapital.com/
Investment Focus Area 1: Financial Inclusion
Investment Focus Area 2: Education
Investment Focus Area 3: Agriculture
Geography of Investment 1: Eastern Europe
Organization: Fragg Invest
Email: f.odoemenam@fragginvest.com
Website: https://fragginvest.com/
Investment Focus Area 1: Financial Inclusion
Investment Focus Area 2: Agriculture
Investment Focus Area 3: Healthcare
Geography of Investment 1: Africa
Geography of Investment 2: Latin America
Geography of Investment 3: Caribbean
Organization: GLIN Impact Capital
Email: mnakamura@glinimpact.com
Website: https://glinimpact.com/en/
Investment Focus Area 1: Environmental and Social issues
Geography of Investment 1: Asia Pacific
Geography of Investment 2: US
Organization: Aruwa Capital
Email: aor@aruwacapital.com
Website: https://aruwacapital.com/
Investment Focus Area 1: Gender Focus ( Women Led Business)
Geography of Investment 1: Africa
Organization: Big Issue Invest
Website: https://www.bigissue.com/invest/
Investment Focus Area 1: Social enterprises and charities
Geography of Investment 1: UK
Organization: Bintang Capital Partners
Investment Focus Area 1: Healthcare
Investment Focus Area 2: Food Security
Investment Focus Area 3: Education
Geography of Investment 1: Asia Pacific
Organization: Chloe Capital
Email: elisa@chloecapital.com
Website: https://chloecapital.com/
Investment Focus Area 1: Women-led companies in technology
Geography of Investment 1: North America
Organization: Cross-Border Impact Ventures
Email: annie@crossborder.ventures
Website: https://www.crossborder.ventures/
Investment Focus Area 1: Healthcare technology
Geography of Investment 1: North America
Geography of Investment 2: Europe
Geography of Investment 3: Israel
Organization: Accial Capital
Website: https://www.accialcapital.com/
Investment Focus Area 1: Financial Inclusion
Geography of Investment 1: Asia
Organization: Acre Impact Capital
Email: hussein.sefian@acre.capital
Website: https://www.acre.capital/
Investment Focus Area 1: Climate-aligned infrastructure
Geography of Investment 1: Africa
Organization: African Frontier Capital
Investment Focus Area 1: Renewable Energy (PAYGO Off-Grid Solar Home System (SHS) companies)
Geography of Investment 1: Africa
Organization: AHL Venture Partners
Website: https://www.ahlventurepartners.com/
Investment Focus Area 1: Financial Inclusion
Investment Focus Area 2: Agriculture & Food
Investment Focus Area 3: Climate Action
Geography of Investment 1: Africa
Organization: AiiM
Email: shally@aiimpartners.com
Website: https://www.aiimpartners.com/
Investment Focus Area 1: Energy Transition
Investment Focus Area 2: Alternative materials
Investment Focus Area 3: Agriculture & Food
Geography of Investment 1: North America